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Getting Started

If you're new to paddling, your first session with us is likely to be at Conningbrook Lakes.


Parking is available on the approach road to the lake or you can park nearer, on the grass by the access road.  This is where most members park.


We have a wide range of kayaks, canoes and paddle boards, along with paddles for you to use and try.  We also have helmets, buoyancy aids, dry tops and wet suits.

If you are bringing your own equipment, please feel free to ask a member for help to unload from your car.

Please do not go on the lake until you have been told it's ok to.  Remember we operate a strict no solo paddling policy at the lake.

What to Wear

Old trainers or beach shoes are fine, but remember they may/will get wet.  Dress according to the weather, and bring a change of clothes for after the session.  It is unlikely that you will go in the water on your first few sessions in a kayak or canoe and we will tell you if the session will involve getting wet.  Try to avoid cotton and go for anything 'quick drying'.

This is definitely not true for paddle boarding and you should expect to get wet!

Most people arrive at the lake ready to paddle and change afterwards.

Where to Change

We do not have a dedicated building for you to change into, however, we do have a gazebo that is quick to put up for you to use.  Experienced members tend to change under a changing robe or have a changing tent.  You are also able to use the Julie Rose changing facilities.


There are no toilets at the lake, the nearest are at the Julie Rose stadium.

What to do when you arrive

Please let us know you are here.  There will be someone at the container to help you with equipment and let you know who is running the session.

Can't make it?

Life happens and if you can no longer make a session or trip, please let us know.  You can contact us by replying to the email, commenting on Slack or the Facebook group.  This means we're not waiting for you to arrive.


You need to be at a certain level to attend trips so please ask the organiser if it is suitable before booking on.  Please do not turn up if you have not booked as we need to ensure the correct number of coaches are present for the number/abilities of the group.


We are a friendly group of paddlers and we are all happy to answer questions or direct you to who can help.  Our #ShePaddles and ambassador and Events Co-ordinator is Claire Pitts.

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