All members should show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of others, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club.
The Pirates Canoe Club is committed to ensuring that all members taking part in canoeing are able to do so protected and kept safe from harm while they are with coaches, volunteers and /or peers. This is particularly true in respect of vulnerable adults and junior members.
All club members have a duty with respect to Safeguarding and Protecting Vulnerable Adults and juniors under 18 years’ of age to ensure they can participate and enjoy our sport with the highest possible standards of care. All club coaches and volunteers will:
The Pirates Canoe Club will ensure all reasonable steps are taken to protect the safety of any vulnerable person taking part in any activity organised by the club.
The Club has appointed a Safeguarding Officer and a Welfare Officer. Their whose role it is to deal with any issues concerning Vulnerable Persons harassment. Anyone having concerns with respect to Abuse or Harassment should contact that person by emailing If that person is unavailable they can contact the Club Chairman or the BC Child Protection/Vulnerable Adults Harassment Officer
The club believes that taking part in Paddlesport should be a positive and enjoyable part of children and vulnerable adult’s lives and to achieve this have the following aims:
To review the club safeguarding policies, please go to Club Documents page
Previously the Criminal Record Bureau (CRB).
Where club members are identified as responsible for children and vulnerable adults these members shall undergo a DBS check. This may include senior members of the club where spending significant time with such members and the coaching group. A record of DBS certification shall be retained by the Child Protection and Welfare Officer.
The PADDLESAFE - Online Child Protection Course ( should be undertaken by any member that may be required to deal with children and may include:
Junior members are defined as those members under the age of 18 years. The Club advocate the development of junior members within the sport. However we also acknowledge their vulnerability when attending club events. All members under the age of 18 must have a Junior Consent Form signed by their parent or an appointed guardian.
As a general guideline the club recommends:
Juniors under the age of 12 may also become members as part of a family membership. They must be accompanied by an experienced parent or guardian on the water or bank side. Attendance at specific events is at the discretion of the event organiser.
This is a guide and may very much depend on the specific event, organisers and junior members experience. Ultimately junior members are the responsibility of the parent or guardian and as such it is expected that a responsible approach to each trip is adopted.