PCC accepts that many of our members wish to take photographic/video memoirs of their trips with the club, compile trip videos and diaries for peers. This should not be discourages as precious moments should be captured for all time and shared with fellow paddle peers.
We as a club also like to put the best of the photos on our website, Facebook page and promotional posters etc. Videos and photographs may also be used for training purposes to identify improvements in techniques or compile training videos.
As members of the Pirates Canoe Club we all accept that we may be participating in photos and/or videos. These may be used in the following ways:
All members are kindly asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
In simple terms use common sense and respect peers The club committee has an obligation to its members’ to take appropriate action where complaints have been made and club guidelines have been breached. Where there has been a serious misuse of video cameras, photographs or other such electronic media that is deemed by the committee as unacceptable consideration will be given to membership suspension or dismissal in accordance with the club constitution.