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Health, safety and liability policy

Our Health & Safety Policy

PCC aims to provide a safe environment in which our members may enjoy themselves. The club shall take the necessary control measures to ensure club members’ health and safety on the Club’s organised events.

Our principal objective is to:

  • Ensure our members are of an appropriate level of competence to attend their chosen events; or appropriately supervised. This may be by a qualified coach or someone who has been approved by the committee. eg Pool supervisor of site specific assessed. 
  • Are aware of the risks relating to this water sport.
  • Are aware of their duty of care for the safety of themselves and their peers when undertaking club activities.
  • Ensure the welfare of all paddlers and in particular junior members and vulnerable adults

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Club Chairman.

Club Management of Health & Safety

The following sections outline how the club will manage the health and safety of its members.

Ensuring the safety and health of Club members

As a matter of course, the club requires all paddlers wear a buoyancy aid, dry cag or appropriate cagougle (in all seasons), a helmet and – if participants are confident in evacuating their boat – a spray-deck.  A coach or trip leader may decide that helmets are not required, but members should ensure they have one available.

The Quartermaster and event organisers regularly check all Club equipment. However if members do notice defective equipment, it is expected that it is reported to the trip organiser or a committee member.

The level of ability required for each trip is generally stated on the events programme or by the organiser at the time of booking. Members are expected to be of sufficient ability and competence to attend such activities as white-water. If members are uncertain if a trip is suitable the event organiser will be able to advice members’ based on their records (No liability is accepted for such advice).

PCC also like to make sure everyone's is doing the right thing off the water as well, which includes lifting and launching of boats. Members are advised on the best way of doing handling equipment and should also be mindful of traffic risks.

PCC recommends that paddler obtain BC PPA Awards in their selected areas of interest to support development and on water competence

Encourage good river hygiene practices such that all paddlers consider:

  • That their hands are appropriately sanitised prior to eating food/drink on the riverbank.
  • Are aware of the risks of leptospirosis also known as Weil's disease.

    This may be ingested from dirty hands where there has been contact with leptospirosis bacteria on river bank (generally stagnant waters, locality of rats habitats on river bank. Symptoms include:
    • A high temperature (fever) that is usually between 38C and 40C (100.4-104-F).
    • Chills.
    • Sudden headaches.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Loss of appetite.

      If a paddler experiences any of these symptoms following a paddle they should immediately speak to their doctor explaining that they have been on the river.
  • Avoid paddling in areas of:
  • Poor water quality/stagnant waters e.g. where there is a lack of water flow
  • Heavy plant growth
  • Blue algae

(Refer also to Paddle UK's guidance on the Canoe England website).

Organisation and responsibilities

All of our coaches and volunteers provide assistance in accordance with Paddle UK’s Code of Conduct and operate within the Club Safety Framework.


Hints and tips can be picked up from peers and leaders on any type of trip and time may be set aside for practicing skills. However, some trips may be organised to coach specific skills. 

Appropriate qualifications are required for coaching/leader guided/instructed sessions. Activities of this type must be organised by the coaching/helpers team and the events co-ordinator.  

  • This activity has a specific focus and the responsibility of instruction, leading or coaching others.
  • This activity is centrally planned, organised and sanctioned by the club. 
  • The activity is listed on the clubs calendar. 
  • This activity will be insured within the clubs affiliation.
  • The coach/leader/instructor is viewed as being responsible for leading the session, managing safety, enforcing rules and making informed decisions in response to changing conditions or emergencies
  • Participants are expected to follow the instruction of the coach/leader/instructor, to act responsibly, follow the club rules, support each other and the general safety of all participants
Examples: Taster Sessions. Coached sessions. Led club trips. Typically sessions for club members, or taster sessions for potential club members. 


  • The activity is Centrally planned, organised and sanctioned by the club;
  • The activity has a designated ‘supervisor’
  • The activity is Covered by the clubs safety framework
  • The Club’s safety framework must specifically include clear supervision arrangements using designated people skilled enough (and with appropriate safety training and competency checks) for the responsibility and defined boundaries around participant autonomy.
  • The Activity is insured within the club’s affiliation.
  • The supervisor is generally viewed as being responsible for managing safety, enforcing rules and making informed decisions in response to changing conditions or emergencies.
  • Participants are expected to meet defined levels of competence, follow the instructions of the supervisor, to act responsibly, follow club rules, support each other and the general safety of all participants
Examples: Supervised pool or ‘park and play’ session.  Supervised opportunities for practice.  Supervised training session (e.g. a time trial or slalom gates training session without coaching).


  • There is no designated ‘person in charge’, and participants have been assessed by the committee as being capable to be independent within the scope of the activity. This requires confirmation at time of registration that the person registering if of the required skills level as  started in the even details under skill level.
  • The activity is covered by the clubs safety framework, this would specifically include guidelines around participant autonomy and a robust float plan (reflecting established good practice).
  • Participants are ALL responsible for managing safety, enforcing/following rules and making informed decisions in response to changing conditions or emergencies.
  • Is only applicable to those aged 18 or above; If there are people aged 18 or under who are capable of taking part in collaborative club activity, they require ‘supervision’ (see Supervised Club Activity above).
  • Is insured within the club’s affiliation.
Examples: Buddy groups at club/ training sessions. Buddy groups on river or sea trips. Club Activity with club members taking part.


  • Activity facilitated or promoted by the club that is delivered by a non-affiliated* external provider.
  • The external provider is responsible for managing safety, enforcing rules and making informed decisions in response to changing conditions or emergencies.
  • Participants are expected to follow the instructions of the person/people responsible for the activity, to act responsibly, follow club rules, support each other and the general safety of all participants.
  • Insurance is required by the external provider.

Examples: Attendance at a private symposium.  Attendance at a Surf Lifesaving course. Club members going on an externally delivered first aid course. GBSUP race. Entry into Devices and Westminster race. Oban Sea Kayak Race. Engagement in activity delivered by a Coach/Leader/Mentor who is not a qualified member of Paddle UK 


  • A club event designed for members and/or non-members.
  • Is Centrally planned, organised and sanctioned by the club;
  • Is Covered by the event safety framework.
  • Is insured within the club’s affiliation.
  • The club (and the designated event team) are viewed as being responsible for managing safety, enforcing rules and making informed decisions in response to changing conditions or emergencies.
  • Participants are expected to follow the instructions of the event team to act responsibly, follow event rules, support each other and the general safety of all participants.

Examples:   Tour down the local river that is open to non club members, A competitive event such as a Surf meet, or a Polo Tournament organised by the club. A recreation event such as a symposium, Inter-club event. An event with club members and/or non-members taking part.


  • Only involving members who are considered ‘independent’ in the chosen environment.
  • May be impromptu, not advertised to all members via club communication channels.
  • Only-on water with a proportionate float plan.
  • Not Insured under the club insurance.
  • Independent activity is not covered by club associate membership. Those taking part in such activities are recommended to have Paddle UK On the Water membership that provides Insurance and Licence.
  • Club members need to understand that these activities are not within the clubs safety framework, but their actions will still reflect on the club

Examples: ‘I’m going paddling this evening, anyone want to join me?’. Litter picking/river clean-ups and catering for club members. Provision of advice and guidance (e.g., where to paddle). Use of club equipment outside of club sessions.

Training and competence

Paddlers should have sufficient technical competence and endurance to undertake the requested paddles. Whilst PCC do not retain any liability for members it is viewed in the best interest of our members that a level of control is retained to protect the safety of individuals and their paddling peers. Thus the event organiser retains the right to decline request if deemed in the best interest of the club and the individual.

New member shall undergo safety training at the earliest opportunity following membership as part of a PCC induction session. They shall be assessed for level of competence at the earliest opportunity by one of the coaches. New Members are encouraged to have a personal development plan, compiled to assist individual development, record training sessions and BC courses attended, and record resume of events attended (experience gained).

The personal development record may be used to:

  • Assist the training officer and coaching team in developing a personal training plan.
  • Qualify competence of the member to attend specified club events and or their supervisory requirements.

All members shall have:

  • Club induction training.
  • Attended the pool or lake safety and rescue practical training.
  • Safety and etiquette on the river

The club have a policy of knowledge share and encourage peer – peer training during club events.

Trip Guide, Trip Forms, and Risk Assessments

The following documentation should be considered when coordinating events. Documents and forms are available from the Club website, within the “Documents” tab.

Trip Guide

The trip provides an overview of the trip including useful details for paddlers. This should include:

  • Summary of trip, route and schedule.
  • Minimum competence level based on technical complexity and endurance level.
  • Required safety equipment.
  • Protective clothing required.
  • Maximum/ minimum numbers.
  • Refreshments.
  • Guideline on effects of weather conditions, tidal conditions, river flows etc.
  • Consideration to safe offloading of boats both from adjacent risk such as roads, personnel and bridges etc and lifting of heavy loads.
  • Name and address / telephone number of the Club for emergency use.
  • Location of the nearest casualty department.
  • Fire and emergency risk associated with accommodation where applicable.

Generic Risk Assessments

Each coached trip guide should be accompanied with a generic risk assessment reviewed by a club member with sufficient technical knowledge and competence to undertake such assessment.

Additional risk may be noted in blanks rows. This should be undertaken in line with BC guidelines.

Consideration should be given to:

  • Applicable diseases whether in UK or overseas water, vaccinations, precautions etc.
  • Equipment.
  • Hotel fire safety.
  • Travel safety including securing of boats etc.
  • Overseas insurance guideline.
  • Contact details of club contact in event of emergency.
  • List of the current Management Committee members to be notified in event of incident.

Trip Form & Dynamic Risk Assessment

The “Trip Form” should be completed on the day. This includes a dynamic risk assessment detailing any additional risks not covered by the generic risk assessments. The form includes:

  • Trip organiser.
  • On water leader.
  • Kit holders and first aiders.
  • Trip members – emergency contact details.
  • Incident reporting.
  • Dynamic risk assessment.


  • The Quartermaster will carry out annual safety checks on all Club equipment and ensure that necessary repairs are carried out before the equipment is available for hire again.
  • In addition, the Club will endeavour to ensure that all equipment used on Club courses and events is fit for its purpose and is checked accordingly by the Course/Event Organiser.
  • Generally, equipment borrowed by Club members for use other than on courses will be at the paddlers own risk.

Safety Briefing

Prior to water entry the event’s organiser will ensure that all members gather for a safety briefing

This should include:

  • Trip preamble by reference to trip method statement.
  • Equipment check.
  • Ascertain weaker paddlers and allocate buddy where appropriate.
  • Clear identification of any potential exposures and subsequent control measure by reference to trip risk assessment.
  • Head count.
  • Safety equipment checks and confirmation to members which boats have equipment and who first aiders’ are.

Club Trips

Club trips, as opposed to courses, are defined as any trip which uses Club equipment or as specified within the Events calendar. Club trips will be advertised on the Club website and incorporate a checklist to include:

  • Name of the Organiser.
  • Proposed rivers to be paddled, including grade (subject to river conditions).
  • Level of paddling ability required.
  • Whether any river leading is to be provided (by Level 3 Coach or person of equivalent experience).
  • Whether or not any instruction will be given.

It must be noted that informal paddles are arranged between club members and whilst these activities are encouraged PCC consider this outside club jurisdiction. Thus whilst PCC cannot enforce safety guidelines detailed within this handbook they are promoted as good practice and should be adopted by all members.

Club Courses

The course details, syllabus, qualifications / experience of course leaders and summary details relating to safety aspects are to be lodged with the Coaching Officer prior to commencement of the course.

Disaster Plan

In the event of a serious accident occurring, the Club will immediately appoint someone to organise an agreed statement of events, deal with the media, BC and other relevant bodies.

The committee should be notified at the earliest opportunity.

Overseas Trips

There are principally two type of overseas trips:

  • Club organised trips.
  • Third party company organised such as Fluid Skills, Gene17.

Club organised trips are generally limited by membership capabilities and cost. Where a small group of paddlers are keen to experience overseas paddling but cannot generate sufficient membership interest the club encourage booking with approved third party companies. Members can discuss these with the coaching officer or other experienced paddlers. It is encouraged to state intentions to the wider club community where appropriate.

Organisers of overseas trips should be aware that in the event of an accident, criminal proceedings may be brought under local law which can be complicated and costly.

All participants should ensure that they have the relevant protection in place including but not limited to:

  • Relay insurance for their vehicle.
  • Personal insurance (extended to cover canoeing activities at the right level).
  • Emergency contact numbers.
  • Additional insurance to cover loss or damage to any Club equipment.
  • Cross boarder VISAs
  • Local river licence/ authorisation to paddle river.

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