Committee appointment and responsibilities
The responsibilities of the following committee members are detailed and may change by committee agreement.
Broad outline of the post:
To co-ordinate the business and general activities of the Club and provide a forum for debate and discussion for all Club members.
Specific tasks/responsibilities:
- To be available for all Club members and the Management Committee.
- To listen, discuss and act upon, as necessary, any ideas, concerns and criticism voiced by Club members.
- To be unbiased, impartial and ensure that all Club members’ views are adequately represented.
- To be conversant with the constitution and procedure for running Club meetings.
- To chair Club meetings and ensure that they are short, succinct, effective and those actions are assigned as necessary.
- To ensure that any planning or budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the Club members.
- To ensure the Committee remains focused on the needs and requirements of the whole Club.
- To provide leadership to the Committee and support for individual officers in their specific jobs.
- Represents the Club at local, regional and national events as required.
- Assist Treasurer in compiling the annual budget plan
Broad outline of the post:
To provide a link between Club members, the Committee and external bodies (such as the BC, other clubs and prospective new members). To provide administrative support to the Committee. Maintain accurate records of membership and provide lists of paid-up members as required.
Specific tasks/responsibilities
- Coordinate committee meetings
- To prepare and circulate minutes of all Club meetings
- To reply to mail addressed to the Club.
- To provide administrative support for the Committee.
- To keep the Club notice board up-to-date, if required.
- To ensure the Club affiliation to the BC is up-to-date.
- To ensure the Secretary’s folder is up to date with BC.
- Compile action list and oversee / follow up on status
- BC Affiliation including club insurance & Annual boat licences
- Ensure that adequate insurance is in place to cover PCC liability exposures
Broad outline of the post:
To maintain accurate financial records and safeguard Club funds.
Specific tasks/responsibilities:
- To keep up-to-date records of all financial transactions.
- To collect all money due to the Club from other Committee members and trip/course organisers and issuing receipts.
- To ensure that all cash and cheques are promptly deposited into the Club account.
- To report regularly to the Committee on the Club’s financial position.
- To advise the Committee on the financial implications of any decisions/recommendations.
- To prepare a year-end statement of accounts to present to the Independent verifier.
- To present an end-of -year financial report to the AGM.
- To coordinate payment of members fees for away trips and external coaching fees
- To provide support and advice for members who are collecting or spending money on behalf of the Club; for example training course organisers, equipment officers, fund-raisers, trip organisers etc.
Coaching Officer
Broad outline of the post:
The delivery of all coaching needs to PCC members of all abilities and ages. To support all PCC coaches in their respective roles and to encourage PCC members to consider a coaching pathway. To deliver structured training and assessment sessions throughout the year for all club members.
Specific tasks/responsibilities:
- Coordinate coaching team activities
- Get all the policies in place, as required by the BC to run a safe and successful club.
- Overall responsibility for safety training
- To recommend amendments to the Club safety policy and disaster plan.
- To organise and chair an annual safety and training meeting for the Club.
- To facilitate training courses
- To provide information and publicity on training.
- To oversee the organisation of an annual training meeting for all club members.
- Development a sustainable club coaching team with capabilities to cover club interests (WW, Sea, Canoeing...)
- New members safety induction
- To maintain a diary of courses. - Wild Apricot
- To maintain records of club courses. -Wild Apricot
- Implementation of coaching programme to develop club capabilities (both members and coaches)
- Detail member development plans and tailor coaching sessions over the year
- Ensure that the coaching team have the right skills for the membership development requirements
- Ensure that adequate records are in place to assess member experience
- Ensure that safety training is undertaken and the club has sufficient first aiders
- Detail trips that will be required to develop members
Health and Safety Officer
- Review health and safety policy annually
- Manage incident reporting and implement any CR requirements
- Ensure annual inspection of kit is undertaken and working with the QM ensure that kit is fit for purpose and that any defective elements are removed from service until repaired or destroyed
- Monitor the lake water quality results and advise committee of any potential hazards
- review coaches and leaders qualifications
Membership Secretary
- To reply to new member enquires.
- To follow up on overdue membership fees
- To mail out to last year’s members who have not re-joined in the current year.
- Compile database such that the club can profile membership/club needs in regards to equipment, training and events
- To produce regularly updated membership lists for use by the Committee, Coaching Officer, events co-ordinators and others as requested.
- To produce an up-to-date list of members contact details for publication in the newsletter
Social Media Officer
- To manage/restrict access to PCC member sites eg Facebook and member area on website
- To update Website with records of meetings and accounts
- Ensure documents and website are backed up and secure
Broad outline of post:
To manage club equipment including audits, repairs, replacement, booking out and return of equipment. Ensure that there is an appropriate inventory of equipment to support membership training and development needs.
Specific tasks and responsibilities:
- Ensure the club equipment policy set out in this handbook is up to date and reflects current status of requirements.
- To keeps an inventory of all club equipment
- To organise equipment audits, suggest thorough annual check with regular checks of condition of items, ensuring that it is all fit for purpose. Ensure that inspections are carried out at the frequencies identified in this club guideline
- Responsible for maintenance and repair of club equipment. Ensuring that all equipment is clearly marked with the Club’s name and a serial number.
- Report to committee advising on the state of equipment, including damage and loss.
- To arrange for the purchase of new/ replacement of equipment, as agreed by committee. This may include spare items, e.g. airbags, bungs, footrest nuts as required.
- Limit access to defective equipment and where appropriate destroy defective items to avoid future use.
- Control equipment access and use by means of appropriate booking out and return system (Ensuring control and timely return of equipment)
- Ensure containers and storage areas kept to an acceptable standard of maintenance and security.
- To produce annual report summarising equipment utilisation over the year, to be presented at AGM
Child Protection & Welfare Officer
Broad outline of post:
To ensure that PCC adhere to the requirements relating to child protection and welfare. Shall have attended Sports Coach UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children & BC Time to Listen Workshop
Specific tasks and responsibilities:
- To provide information and advice on child protection within the Club and promote a child focus.
- To ensure that the Club adopts and follows the BC Child Protection Policy and Procedures.
- To promote awareness of the BC Codes of Conduct and Paddlesafe documents.
- To implement recruitment and screening procedures within the club.
- To be a confirmation signatory, verifying the identity of individuals completing disclosures.
Marketing Activities
Broad outline of the post:
To produce and distribute the Club newsletter.
Specific tasks/responsibilities:
- To liaise with Club members regarding events and other matters for publication in the newsletter.
- Get the club members more involved by improving club communications
- Steer committee on member feedback – what we are doing right and what needs adjusting
- Draft news letter each quarter and issue to all members– (based on committee notes photos etc – we should all take a part in supporting)
- Media, club promotion and posters
Generic Responsibilities of the Committee
The following generic responsibilities may be undertaken by an appointed member of the committee and/or in alternatively as a group:
- Club policy and handbook
- To produce statistics on membership for the AGM to assist with steering the club towards membership interest and club investment
- Strategy – look at club strengths and weaknesses and steer advise/steer committee
- Health & Safety, and “Competent Persons Register”
- Update online calendar & events programme
- Ensure we have the right events and balance for our members
- Ensure that there are specific trips to support coaching team
- To review the safety plans for Club trips and courses.
- Ensure that whatever role a member intends at the proposed event they are within the limits of remit.
- Supervision of trip proposal, associated method statements and risk assessments, and advise event organiser/ responsible persons on any additional considerations
- To ensure the non members attending paddles do not exceed four trips (exceeds liability cover limit)
- To maintain the BC incident register, to include details of equipment failures in conjunction with the Quartermaster.
- Identify and profile potential paddle venues, investigate associated river access (limitation, local constraints such as parking, amenities etc),
External relations:
- Develop interclub and community relations
- Increase the Pirates profile and interaction within wider paddling community
- Manage external interactions such as:
- Folkestone Pool: - To annually provide appointed committee contact conduit.
- Conningbrook:- To meet on a regular basis with Freedom Leisure and Ashford Borough Council to ensure safe practice (water quality), booking system review and special events.
Club Model
The Committee has been setup to facilitate the effective organisation of the Pirates Canoe Club. The following club model is used to recognise the club activities and responsibilities and how they interface.