Trip summary
- Arrival 10am: parking on Hampstead Lane (B2162), Yalding adjacent to canal.
- Entry and exit point: Yalding just above or below the weir
- On water for 10:30am
- Paddling options:
- Return trip to sluice weir ~5 miles – confident forward paddling more stamina not for the younger paddlers under 12 years
- Yalding loop ~ 2 miles with trip up the River Beult – great for beginners and allowing more time to play at the weir
- Arrival at exit point around 12:30h if doing the loop or have a play until 13:30 alternatively steady paddle returning from Sluice Weir around 14:00 with brief play on the weir.
River conditions
- Anticipated river flow moderate flat water with minor sweepers (Given recent rain slightly higher flow).
- Dynamic risk assessment by coaches on the day.
Brief risks summary include (refer to risk assessment for full details, coaches will brief you on the day)
- Yalding weir and sluice weir. Weirs may open with little notice providing high flows - Monitor overflows, keep beginners away from weir outlets.
- Two locks depending on route (i.e. via canal or direct on river) – ensure safe access / egress around locks.
- Dehydration, hypothermia – appropriate clothing and refreshments.
- Weils / Leptospirosis disease - ensure hygiene is maintained wash hands before eating, post paddling flu like symptoms should be reported to doctor with emphasis on recent paddling and exposure.
- Contact with underwater objects (glass, concrete, metal spike, wire) – ensure good robust footwear and helmet. Avoid rolling unless adequate river depth. There is a particular exposure to concrete and broken glass risk below the weirs.
- Drowning – use correctly fitted buoyancy aid.
- Impact – adhere to river codes, give boats right of way.
- Entanglement - Avoid fishermen/ lines, avoid low lying trees (sweepers and strainers).
Recommend you bring
- Change of clothing – something warm.
- Money for car park if you wish to park in the Tea Pot Island car park – easy access and egress from river (£2.50) but cheaper parking on Hampstead Lane.
- Hot drink and light snack / pack lunch.
- Option to stop in Pub for light refreshments at the end of trip so may wish to bring some extra pennies!
Notes to non paddlers
- Tea Pot island is great for team and cakes etc.
- Walking – there is a good pathway from Yalding to Sluice Weir. Walking along the river bank presents a similar pace to those on the river so bring the dog and join the team from the bankside!
- Good meals in the Anchor Inn, Twyford Bridge/Hampstead Lane, Yalding, Maidstone ME18 6HG. Though there are some other good pubs in the area.
Yalding Loop including trip up the River Beult:

Yalding to Sluice Weir return trip (approximately 5 miles):