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CANCELLED: Open Pool Session

  • 30 Mar 2020
  • 19:30 - 20:30
  • Kingswood, Ashford
  • 12


An open session where you can practice techniques and develop skills in the safety of Kingswood Activity Centre swimming pool with hints and tips from poolside supervisors.

Booking Details

Members can only book a place on a pool session a week or so before the session date. This helps us ensure sessions are well attended and not block booked, making them available for as many members as possible. Non-members wishing to come and try can pay £10 and book any session without limits.

When booking via the website or app, you will receive a confirmation email if you have been allocated a place. If the session is full, you will be added to a wait-list and if someone drops out, you may be allocated a place - you will receive the same confirmation email if this happens.

If you haven't pre-booked and session is full, you will not be allowed to join the session as we have to adhere to maximum numbers. Furthermore, you may be refused entry to site so please don’t just turn up.

Cancelling your booking

If you have booked a place and cannot attend you can cancel your booking via the website. It is not currently possible to cancel via the app. Please ensure you do this so anyone on the wait-list can attend in your place. If you struggle with this, please get in touch.

Arriving on-site

Drive up to the main gate and use the intercom to speak with reception - tell them you are with Pirates Canoe Club and they will open the gate.

Keep to speed limit and use your hazard warning lights whilst driving on site. Once you have parked (in accordance with site requirements), sign-in at reception and head to the pool. You must sign-out before you leave.

Access to the pool is via the yellow emergency exit doors - if they are not open, knock on the window of the pool (if there is no-one in the pool, please wait outside until we have opened up).

Do not wonder around site go directly between car park, reception and pool. If you're not sure just ask at the main reception.

On arrival at pool, you should make yourself known to a supervisor before entering the changing rooms.

Please put kit back

Please ensure you put any club kit you have used away at the end of your session - coaches and supervisors volunteer their time to make pool sessions happen and it is not fair to expect them to tidy up after you as well.

Changing rooms

Due to security and local arrangements members that have not booked, may be refuse entry to site so please don’t just turn up. Parents and Guardians of juniors age 12 years and under must remain at pool during the sessions.



Kingswood is at the old Police Training College in Kennington. Take the Canterbury Road A28 out of Ashford; once you cross over the M20 take your first left turn and then your second left turn, follow the road until you reach Kingswood.

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